Hello Ian,
I have been enjoying house sitting SO much and just wanted to say, "Thanks!
I am from San Diego, California, and over the past year and a half have house sat on the Nicoya Peninsula of Costa Rica,; The Vieques Island of Puerto Rico; next to the Grand Canyon in Arizona for a couple of weeks as a vacation with my son; and in San Diego for a fun stay in my home town in between other house sits. It has been a marvelous way for me to experience places I'm curious about either from a visitor perspective and/or as a potential next home area.
As my son, who is now a delightful 21 years and has "disabilities", moved toward living in a supported new home, it felt like an excellent time for me to explore the world out there and perhaps find a new place that is uber delicious to live!
I've been having a marvelous time and look forward to more explorations! When I started house sitting in June of 2014, I took a leap, sold most of the things in my life and left my home for 4 months on Vieques.
Since then, I've been experiencing a rich sense of being at home in the world and being the one being taken care of by a greater field of Life. I do look forward to establishing a new home base some day; meanwhile, I'm having a wonderful time without one!
Based on your email address, it looks like you're in Australia. I'd enjoy visiting that great place sometime! We'll see what happens!
Thanks for your interest and for the service!
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