Showing posts with label retirement adventures. Show all posts
Showing posts with label retirement adventures. Show all posts

Active Retired Canadian couple find world-wide adventure, new places, a 'home' to live in rather than a hotel, immerse themselves in the local culture, make new friends, and get their 'pet fix'

We had a great house sit for 2 months in Australia from one of our applications and had to turn down 2 others that came at the same time. We love reading the notifications and hopefully will have more house sits in the future. We have also recommended to many of our friends.

Housecarers: Great news about the housesit - where was it?

The house sit was in a suburb of Brisbane, Australia called Manly West. It was a very nice house with a pool. We looked after the house and their lovely female dalmatian.

We spent a few days with the family before they left on an extended tour of Europe. During that time, they introduced us to their neighbours. Everyone was friendly and we made new friends. At the end of our stay, the owners even arranged for us to visit their parents.....a great place to go out to the Great Barrier Reef.

Housecarers: What is your main reason for House sitting?

My husband and I primarily live in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico, however, since my mother passed away three years ago, my father chooses to also live here. That necessitates us going to just outside of Victoria, British Columbia to look after his property in the summer (not a hardship!).

We look at house sits wherever....however prefer those outside of Canada and the US. Why do we like house sits.....adventure, new places, having a 'home' to live in rather than a hotel, to immerse ourselves in the local culture and to make new friends. We do not own any pets (although we both have done so), so get our 'pet fix' sometimes through house sits. Who could ask for more!..... Margaret, 2iscompany2

View housesitter profile for active retired Canadian couple, now living in Mexico