I have found your site very helpful and have just completed a house sit very successfully for 6 weeks in Napier New Zealand ...thank you ...I am now looking for my next house sit ...
Great news about the housesit. It is always good to hear stories like yours. Where are you from? and what are your main reasons for housesitting?
I have my own house just outside of Dunedin new Zealand, and my reasons for house sitting was I list my partner in an accident and then my small dog died , so I felt without any ties, now was the time to do house sitting, and its a great way to catch up with my friends without the hassle of staying with them, so I pick places where I know people and then have a holiday without the accommodation expense. I think I will work my way to an overseas house sit away from new Zealand and Australia.......Cheers JenniView house sitters profile for Jenni ... (maddie40)